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Shady Business

Shady Business


14 August 2013

Two girls, two blokes, the boss, a couple of bruisers and a thousand smackers being tossed around like a beach ball. The London underworld is undoubtedly shady, but Robin Hawdon author of the West End success 'The Mating Game' portrays the hilarious side of that world with his latest comedy Shady Business. Trouble brews when Big Mack discovers the weekly delivery of money from his various clubs is a grand short. His girl friend has spent the night with a city broker who is unwittingly drawn into the complicated web of lies. A highly entertaining and funny play. [gallery columns="4" ids="|,|,|,|,|,|,|,|"] CAST
Mandy Natalie Horne
Gerry Johnathan Black
Tania Lise Banks
Terry Brian Howlett
Big Mack Ian Fensome
Dozer David Black
Harry The Hammer John McElhatton

Sale & Altrincham Messenger's review by Rick Bowen Great fun Shady Business may not be a comedy classic, but if it's light entertainment you're after, Altrincham Garrick's latest production ticks all the boxes. The pace is brisk rather than frantic and there isn't the frenzied slamming of doors that make many farces such a pain. Robin Hawdon's script also requires the actors to perform some memorable verbal gymnastics and Natalie Horne (Mandy) scores a perfect 10 from me. In fact, Natalie's breathless performance is the performance of the night as she tries to hoodwink her character's gangster boyfriend Big Mack (Ian Fensome). But if you're looking for a one man masterclass in visual comedy look no further than Big Mack's hopeless henchman Dozer - or should that be dozy? - played by David Black. Big Mack may be missing his money but you know nobody will come to serious harm with Dozer around. The evening is rounded off with a nice twist, expertly delivered by Brian Howlett as Terry, a man with a natural feel for comedy. Barry Fletcher also deserves praise for a set that is very pleasing on the eye. I really liked its blend of colours. With the exception of a few naughty words there is little to offend and Sonia Dykstra's production is expertly delivered by a cast who enjoy every minute they spend on stage. Great fun, great escapism. Star Rating ★★★
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