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Derrick Kay

Derrick Kay

Derrick joined the theatre in the 1960's. He acted in, and especially directed, many productions, and played an important role in the development of the theatre.

He was best known as the Chairman of the Play Selection and Casting Committee for many years, setting a style that was very similar to that used later by Alan Sugar. Garrick auditions could be nerve-wracking experiences for anyone attempting to get onto the acting list, and Derrick retained the final say as to who would be accepted.

He would write personal letters to each person who had auditioned, using either "congratulations" or "regrets". It was considered a great honour among the local amateur acting fraternity to receive one of his congratulatory letters.

Derrick was determined to maintain the highest acting abilities at the Garrick, an ambition which, to his credit, he achieved.

Altrincham Garrick Playhouse,

Barrington Rd, Altrincham,

Cheshire WA14 1HZ


0161 928 1677

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Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is the Trading Name of Altrincham Garrick Society Limited, a Private Limited company by Guarantee reg no. 02899281 (England and Wales). Registered Charity no. 1034690. Registered Office: The Garrick Playhouse, Barrington Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1HZ

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